Piece of the Puzzle

Piece of the Puzzle

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

It's a New Season

Last night I was laying in bed thinking about how much I LOVE spring, even though it is one of the most unpredictable and frustrating times of the year. One day it’s sunny, the next day it’s raining and the day after that it’s overcast & windy! Once we get a couple of warm weather days, I excitedly pack away my heavy, bulky winter gear so I can get reacquainted with all my cute skirts and strappy wedges, just to have to frantically tear apart my carefully sealed “winter wear” boxes because the weather dropped 20 degrees overnight! And then there are those days when I’m dressed for 60 degree weather (because that’s what the weatherman predicted) only to have it heat up to a balmy 75 degrees by lunchtime.  Do you know how it feels to be standing on an asphalt playground in 70+ degree weather supervising recess in knee high black boots with sweaty calves?? And let’s not even talk about the days of getting caught in the rain without an umbrella. One of the black woman’s worst nightmares!
Despite all the erratic climate patterns, I still LOVE spring. Even in the midst of all the uncertainty, my step is lighter, my smile is brighter and I have a joyful expectation for what the new season is going to bring. I believe that this is exactly how God wants us to receive every “season” in our life.  
Sometimes we go through unpredictable & frustrating seasons of change. Despite our best planning, sometimes our “forecast” is off and we are left standing a little unprepared and uncomfortable. There are times when we feel completely caught off guard or like we’ve encountered the worst thing that could ever happen. Even in the midst of those seasons, we can still “count it all joy” because even when we don’t know what the future holds, we do know Who holds the future!
The bible says, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).  I love this verse because it reassures us that everything on earth is seasonal & therefore temporary. No hardship will last forever. We can also be comforted in knowing that there is a purpose for everything that we go through – even the difficult seasons.
The Word of God also tells us that “… ALL things work together for good to those who love God…” (Romans 8:28). And ALL means ALL! Everything that we are going through will work together for our good. Just like the exasperating irregularity of springtime serves as the springboard for new blooms, new growth and new life in nature- our seasons of unfamiliarity, drought, &/or difficulty serve as the springboard for something new & good in our own life.  
So do not grow weary in well doing! Approach each day with a joyful expectation for what God is going to do in, and through, you! Give thanks, even in the hard times, knowing that your new season is on its way! 

What is it that you believe God is birthing in you? What "new season" to you believe is coming your way?

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